OpenHR™ The Human Capital Management Framework for a Blended Workforce
Co-authored by Jeremy Blain and Dr. Rochelle Haynes

Jeremy Blain

Dr. Rochelle Haynes
OpenHR™ The Human Capital Management Framework for a Blended Workforce
Co-authored by Jeremy Blain and Dr. Rochelle Haynes
Jeremy Blain
Dr. Rochelle Haynes
The rise of the independent workforce, being most recently fuelled by a mass Gen X influx, is the human capital trend for the 2024s as digital nomads and other contingent workers become a more formalised part of the workforce. Corporate enterprise needs to mobilise and define new rules of the road for human capital management. We call it ‘OpenHR™.
OpenHR™ is the continuous adaptation, leveraging, and application of Organisational Development and HR management practices to an increasingly diverse and blended workforce, to achieve optimum results for organisations and their stakeholders (Haynes and Blain, 2024)
The OpenHR™ framework provides you with the structure and approach to lead the change.
The OpenHR™ framework provides you with the structure and approach to lead the change.
Jeremy Blain and Dr Rochelle Haynes deliver a blueprint to build an OpenHR™ approach for your organisation and provide the step-by-step guide to help you plan, position and implement successfully.
“Open HR is a groundbreaking guide that provides the essential framework for embracing the blended workforce, a necessity in today’s rapidly evolving work environment. Jeremy Blain and Dr Rochelle Haynes brilliantly articulate how organizations can harness the power of both permanent and independent talent to drive innovation, collaboration, and success. This book is a must-read for any leader looking to stay ahead in the war for talent by creating a truly inclusive and high-performing workforce.”
John Winsor
Founder and Chairman – Open Assembly;
Executive in Residence – Laboratory for Innovation Sciences at Harvard;
Co-Author of ‘Open Talent – Leveraging the Global Workforce to Solve Your Biggest Challenges’
The rise of the blended workforce, made up of permanent, part-time, and independent workers, is indisputable. Across the globe, traditional hierarchies and ways of working are being challenged like never before. We surveyed almost 2,000 independent workers and HR/business leaders from 6 regions and over 30 countries to see just how pervasive the blended workforce has become, and how much leaders are formalising a strategic approach to attracting human capital, recruitment, deployment and more.
As a result of the research we have created a new GigHR© framework to enable Human Capital Management professionals to get to action and lead this accelerating trend within their own organisations. We provide this framework as part of our keynote speaking engagements and 1-day how-to workshop. Contact us to find out more.